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Fall Semester Tentative Plan for "Adventures in Writing"

- September 3rd, 2024 - 1 - Introduction - Introduction - Who am I? - Who are You? - Get each student to talk a bit, to break the ice - Where do you live? - What are your hobbies and interests? - Do you have brothers and sisters? Pets? - Etc. - Overview, Rules, Expectations - Attendance - Homework Submissions - Grading - Extensions - Cheating / AI Policy - Class Participation - Working camera and microphone - This is fun! No pressure - Homework (Link to Google Classroom) - Easy Grammar Pre-Test - Mini-Mystery Fun
- September 10th, 2024 - 2 - Prepositional Phrases / Writing Mini-Mysteries - Learning - Prepositional Phrases, Subjects, Verbs - Workbook Page 7 in Class - Homework - Workbook - Page 8 - Important Words - Playing - How to Write a Mini-Mystery - Mystery Writing Game - Mystery Writing Suggestions - Write one or two in class - Homework - Write One!
- September 17th, 2024 - 3 - Prepositional Phrases / Sharing Mini-Mysteries - Learning - Prepositions - Workbook Page 10 in Class - Homework - Workbook Page 9 - Capitalization - Playing - Sharing Students' Mysteries
- September 24th, 2024 - 4 - Verbs / Writing Reports and Reviews - Learning - Verbs - Homework - Pages 12, 13, 14 - Playing - Book Report - Examples of how to write a report of summary of a movie or video or story - Write Shop TSP Game - Homework - Write a Book Report!
- October 1st, 2024 - 5 - Compounds & Imperatives / Reading Book Reports and Reviews - Learning - Compound Verbs - Do Workbook Page 18 in Class - Imperatives - Homework - Workbook Page 20 - Playing - Read Reviews in Class and Apply what We've Learned to Them
- October 8th, 2024 - 6 - Periods and Apostrophes / Writing a Personal Narrative - Learning - Punctuation - Period, Apostrophe - Homework - Workbook Pages 289, Page 291, Page 292 - Playing - Personal Narrative in Junior Writer’s Notebook - Write About ... - Trip you took - Funny thing that happened - Best day ever
- October 15th, 2024 - 7 - Commas, Question Marks, Exclamation Marks / Reading Personal Narratives - Learning - Commas - Do Workbook Page 295 in Class - Talk about Question Marks and Exclamation Points in Class - Homework - Workbook Page 298 - Playing - Reading Personal Narratives
- October 22nd, 2024 - 8 - Review / Interviews - Learning - Review - Playing - Examples of Interviews, using proper punctuation - Homework: Interview a family member or a friend. Make sure your questions end in question marks and your exclamations end in exclamation points, etc.
- October 29th, 2024 - 9 - Verbs / Read Interviews - Learning - Verbs - Teach Half of Workbook Page 37 in Class - Homework - Contractions: Workbook Page 37, Page 38, Page 39 - Teach Verb Phrases in Class - Homework - Verb Phrases Workbook Page 42 - Playing - Read Interviews
- November 5th, 2024 - 10 - Tense / Poetry - Learning - Tense - Homework - Workbook Page 49 - Playing - Fun Poems! - Page 14 in JW Notebook: Poetry - Casey at the Bat - Suzie at the Mall - Write a Limerick in Class - Homework - Write a Limerick

- November 12th, 2024 - 11 - More Tense (Tension Builds!) and Subject - Verb Agreement / Read Poems - Learning - Workbook Page 50 in Class and Workbook Page 74 in Class - Homework - Workbook Page 51 , Page 76, Page 77 - Playing - Read Poems in Class
- November 19th, 2024 - 12 - Cumulative Review - Go over as much as possible, especiall what they've been struggling with - Assign Test -

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